Articles in this category

How do I get museum passes online?
Can I cancel an active Discover & Go reservation if I have not yet printed the pass?
Is there a list of Discover & Go attractions?
When are Discover & Go passes for a new month available?
What attractions are available for reservation through Discover & Go?
How many Discover & Go passes can I reserve?
Is there a mobile version of Discover & Go?
Which local libraries are participating in Discover & Go?
Should I cancel my pass if I'm not going to attend?
How do I print my Discover & Go pass?
How do I cancel and reschedule a Discover & Go reservation?
How can I print my Discover & Go pass from my mobile device, smart phone, or tablet?
How do I use Discover & Go?
Can I use Discover & Go with an eCard?
Who do I contact if I have questions regarding my Discover & Go reservation?
Will I receive email notification of my reservation?
Can I use my Discover & Go pass on a different day than the reservation date?
Can the Discover & Go website translate into other languages?
Can Discover & Go be used for class field trips or large groups?
What are the terms of use for Discover & Go?
When is the latest I can cancel my Discover & Go pass?